Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Contracts with Industry

PhD about Virtualisation in data centers (Cifre Hien Van Nguyen with Orange Labs)

To satisfy QoS properties of clients of data centers (such as the expected request rates), a standard data center statically allocates resources according to the worst-case conditions defined in the contract formally negotiated by both parties. As a result, the data center must be oversized and is most of the time underused. From the point of view of the hosting provider (who hosts multiple client applications), the problem is to define an optimal resource allocation, which maximizes client criteria but minimizes the costs of the provider.

By using our current results around Entropy, Hien Nguyen Van's PhD work defines relations between QoS rules and resources needs (CPU, memory) by designing a specific domain-specific language for managing data centers, in particular their energy consumption.

This work was supported by Orange Lab for an amount of 27 KEUR.